James Bagby Report
Generation Five
GEORGE WILLIAM [M.D.] BAGBY 5, (GEORGE 4, THOMAS 3, JOHN 2, JAMES 1) was born August 13, 1828 in Buckingham County, Virginia and died November 29, 1883. He married LUCY "PARKE" CHAMBERLAYNE, the daughter of DR. LEWIS WEBB CHAMBERLAYNE and MARTHA BURWELL DABNEY on February 16, 1863. She was born June 8, 1842 and died September 15, 1927.
Site Owner Note: Birth, death and marriage dates are the research of Don Chamberlayne.
![George William [M.D.] Bagby](http://www.bagby.org/images/gw.jpg)
George William [M.D.] Bagby
Education: Ca Ira, Dr. Page's Boarding School, Buckingham County, Virginia; Prince Edward Court House School, conducted by Rev. Ballantyne; attended Edgehill School at Princeton, New Jersey; and Delaware College. In 1846 the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, and graduated from there 3 years later.
He was successful with a series of articles in the Lynchburg Virginian, which lured him away from medicine. He edited the Lynchburg Express [Paper], became Washington correspondent of the New Orleans Crescent, and contributor regularly to the Atlantic Monthly, and the Southern Literary Messenger [Richmond newspaper] and in 1860 became editor of that paper. In 1868 he became editor and part owner of the Native Virginian, edited at Orange. In 1869 was appointed custodian of the State Library in Richmond. He was a prolific author and lecturer.
More About George William [M.D.] Bagby:
Papers Mss1b1463a from George William Bagby 1828–1883 of Cumberland County, Orange CH letters to his father George Bagby [1798–1874] about battle of Rich Mountain (now West Virginia). Also, letters from his sister Ellen Hobson Bagby Mathews 1831–1894 regarding life in Tappahannock in 1862, Union troop movement at Fort Monroe. Also an account book of George W. Bagby and a diary 1860–1862 kept by him while editor of the Southern Literacy Messenger.
Source: Virginia State Library, Research submitted by: Nell Bagby Simmons.
BAGBY, George William, editor; b. Buckingham County, Virginia, August 13, 1828; s. George and Virginia (Evans) B.; attended Edgehill School, Princeton, New Jersey; attended Del. Coll., 1845-1847; grad. U. PA., 1849; ; m. Lucy Chamberlayne, 1863, 10 children. Practiced medicine, Lynchburg, Virginia, 1849-circa 1853; became asst. Editor Lynchburg Virginian, circa 1852; partner in newspaper Express, Lynchburg, circa 1855-58; correspondent, Washington, D.C., circa 1856-60; editor Southern Literary Messenger, newspaper, Richmond, Virginia, 1860-61, 62-64; served with Confederate Army, 1861-62, discharged because of ill health; served as correspondent for various Southern newspapers until end of Civil War; became popular lecturer, 1865; editor Native Virginian, Orange, Virginia, 1867-83, became well known for humorous portrayal of rural life in Virginia.
Source: as below, Research submitted by: Tom Smith, May, 2001
Author: Selections from the Miscellaneous Writings of Dr. George Bagby (includes lectures The Old Virginia Gentleman, Canal Reminiscences), printed privately, 1854. Died Richmond, Virginia, November 29, 1883; buried: Richmond. — Bagby Family History, by Emma McPheron, 1996; reprinted from "Who's Who in America"

Lucy "Parke" Chamberlayne
Wife of George William [M.D.] Bagby
According to Don Chamberlayne, a researcher of the surname Chamberlayne, she was known as "Parke". The image is from an Ambrotype, originally courtesy of Miss Ellen M. Bagby of Richmond, Virginia, submitted by Don Chamberlayne.
After viewing this ambrotype of Parke, I corresponded with Don Chamberlayne. Her eyes struck me as having what I call a sad or haunting look and so I inquired for more information about her. The following is the response from Don Chamberlayne:
What year that picture was taken is unknown, but she does look young (and may not have been a Bagby yet). As you know, she married G. William in February of 1863 at the age of almost 21. You said she looked sad. She might have been, especially at that time, since the War was on (presumably), her brother was away fighting it, her father had passed away a few years before (when she was 12), her other two living brothers were both deaf mutes (although hardly stopped from living full lives), and, as I understand it, her poor mother had given birth to a number of other children who had not lived. However, I have no record of any of them. It may also be true that Mr. Bagby may have left her home a lot while on his tours. On the other hand, I get the impression that she was a bright, active woman who accomplished plenty before her death in 1927.
1. VIRGINIA BAGBY, b. January 10, 1864; d. August 24, 1955, Virginia; m. HENRY TAYLOR, b. December 22, 1854, Virginia; d. October 15, 1945, Virginia.
2. LEWIS WEBB CHAMBERLAYNE BAGBY, b. November 13, 1865, Virginia; d. February 02, 1867, Virginia. More About LEWIS WEBB CHAMBERLAYNE BAGBY: Full name, birth and death dates taken from Virginia State Library accession #30649.
3. JOHN HAMPDEN CHAMBERLAYNE BAGBY, b. July 20, 1867; d. February 1, 1934. Notes for JOHN HAMDEN CHAMBERLAYNE BAGBY: Source: as below, provided by Tom Smith, May 2001.
BAGBY, John Hampden Chamberlayne, College Professor; b. at Middleburg, Virginia, July 28, 1867; s. George Will and Lucy Parke (Chamberlayne) B.M.A., U. Va., 1888, M.E. 1891, PhD., 1894; LL.D., Hampden-Sidney (Virginia) College; unmarried. Began teach Wallace's University School, Nashville, Tennessee, 1888; natural science, Hampden-Sidney College, 1892-99, physics and astronomy, 1899-, v.p., 1904-14 (pres. Part of 1904). Democrat. Episcopalian. He ... Hampden-Sidney, Virginia. Died 1934. [Some words were cut off in the printed copy.], Bagby Family History, by Emma McPheron, 1996; reprinted from "Who's Who in America"
Bagby Hall at Hampden–Sydney College is named in honor of John Hampden Chamberlayne Bagby and it was the first building on campus to have electricity installed at the time of building.
View a photo of the Bagby Hall at Hampden-Sydney College
More About JOHN HAMPDEN CHAMBERLAYNE BAGBY: Full name & birth date taken from Virginia State Library accession #30649. Occupation: President of Hampden–Sydney College.
4. MARTHA BURWELL DABNEY BAGBY, b. December 16, 1869, Virginia; d. February 10, 1954, Virginia; m. GEORGE GORDON BATTLE, son of CAPTAIN TURNER WESTRAY BATTLE, C.S.A. and LAVINIA BASSETT DANIEL on April 12, 1898; he was b. October 26, 1868, North Carolina; d. April 29, 1949, Virginia. More About MARTHA BURWELL DABNEY BAGBY: Name, birth date & marriage date taken from Virginia State Library accession #30649. More About GEORGE GORDON BATTLE: Occupation: Attorney in New York City.
5. WOODVILLE LATHAM BAGBY, b. March 20, 1872; d. January 26, 1873. More About WOODVILLE LATHAM BAGBY: Full name, birth and death dates taken from Virginia State Library accession #30649.
6. PARKE CHAMBERLAYNE BAGBY, b. February 27, 1874, Virginia; d. January 17, 1947, Virginia; m. CHARLES EDWARD BOLLING, son of THOMAS BOLLING and MARY LOUISA MORRIS on April 14, 1894; he was b. May 4, 1852, Goochland County, Virginia; d. June 22, 1929, Richmond, Virginia. More About CHARLES EDWARD BOLLING: Full name, birth date & marriage date taken from Virginia State Library accession #30649.
7. GEORGE WILLIAM BAGBY, JR., b. September 30, 1876; d. Unknown. More About GEORGE WILLIAM BAGBY, JR.: Twin to Robert Coleman "Bob" Bagby.
8. ROBERT COLEMAN "BOB" BAGBY, b. September 30, 1876; d. May 6, 1938. More About ROBERT COLEMAN "BOB" BAGBY: Twin to George William Bagby, Jr. Note: Birth & Death dates taken from Bible Record.
9. ELLEN MATHEWS BAGBY, b. April 3, 1879, Virginia; d. July 19, 1960, Virginia.
Site Owner Note: The following is typed from a diffult to read copy of a newspaper article found among papers of John Robert Bagby of Mountain View, Arkansas, John's Grandfather, after his death. There are no identifying marks for what newspaper it was clipped from. It has a photo of which only an outline may be seen. From the caption near the bottom of the page I believe it was copied from a newspaper in Richmond, Virginia.
Miss Ellen Bagby, left, with Queen Mother Elizabeth and Lewis F. McMurran, chairman of the Virginia commission for the Jamestown anniversary celebration, during the Queen Mother's visit to Virginia in 1955.
And this is the article:
"Who is Ellen Bagby?"
"Miss Bagby Is Symbol of APVA"
"Who is Ellen Bagby?" Obviously that question was asked by a stranger. For anyone who has lived in Richmond or Virginia any appreciable time knows that Ellen Bagby is "Miss Jamestown."
She is also "Miss APVA"; and her name is almost synonymous with that of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities. Indeed, she was practically born into it as her mother was a charter member, first corresponding secretary, and first chairman of the Jamestown committee.
Among her happiest childhood memories are visits to the island with her mother. The drive along the narrow roads from Williamsburg through thick woodlands seemed to her almost primeval. She felt that Indians might dart out from behind the trees at any moment.
Nostalgically she recalls the annual May 13 excursions on the steamer Pocahontas.
"It was a wonderful trip remembered by many Richmonders," she says.
"Sometimes there were as many as a thousand of us aboard."
"We left Richmond at 7 a.m. and arrived at Jamestown at 3 p.m., then were back in Richmond at 10 p.m. And always we were met on the dock by a welcoming group of William and Mary students. We only spent about an hour on the island, but it was an unforgettable hour."
She says her heart always lifted as they approached "the romantic old church tower," and that she used to dream secretly of someday being the chairman of the Jamestown Committee.
She died in 1930. The appointment was to her a complete surprise and quite a shock. Since she has never been very strong, she considered turning down the honor. But then she decided that, as her mother who had eight children and worked all day in an office had undertaken the chairmanship, she could at least try.
Her family opposed her accepting, insisting she did not have the strength to handle the amount of work involved. Where upon Miss Bagby sent a telegram to the president of the association. It was a remarkably short one, saying only, "I can and I will."
The reason for her appointment, Miss Bagby thinks, was that a few years before, when the treasury was almost empty,...
Site Owner Note: The photo copy of this very interesting article from an unknown newspaper and the rest of the article is cut off at the bottom. The article also has a photo of two women and one man which cannot be clearly seen. The caption reads: "Miss Ellen Bagby, left, with Queen Mother Elizabeth and Lewis F. McMurran, chairman of the Virginia commission for the Jamestown anniversary celebration, during the Queen Mother's visit to Virginia in 1955.
This article was found among the papers of John Robert Bagby of Mountain View, Arkansas after his death. [My husband's Grandfather]. It was sent to him in 1966 from a Wilbur Bagby via a Donald Bagby of Illinois.
10. PHILIP HAXALL BAGBY, b. December 3, 1882; d. March 16, 1926.
ELLEN H. BAGBY 5, (GEORGE 4, THOMAS 3, JOHN 2, JAMES 1) was born About 1829 in Virginia and died June 1894 in Richmond, Virginia. She married JAMES M. MATHEWS, the son of WILLIAM B. MATHEWS and MARIA JAMESON GARNETT WOOD on February 14, 1849 in Lynchburg, Virginia. He was born Unknown and died February 1905 in Richmond, Virginia.
Children of ELLEN BAGBY and JAMES MATHEWS are:
1. WILLIAM B. MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
2. GEORGE B. MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
3. CORNIELIA CHAPIN MATHEWS, b. January 10, 1869, Essex County, Virginia; d. September 14, 1944, Fredericksburg City, Virginia
4. ELLEN G. MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
5. MARIA VIRGINIA MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
6. THOMAS MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown. Note: Died Unmarried.
7. PHILIP SMITH MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown. Note: Died Unmarried.
8. JAMES M. MATHEWS, JR., b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
9. LUCY GRAY MATHEWS, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
10. TEMPLE HARRISON MATHEWS, b. Unkown; d. Unknown.
Note: There were other children born to this couple who died in infancy.
SELINA MAURY BAGBY 5, (THOMAS 4, THOMAS 3, JOHN 2, JAMES 1) was born April 16, 1827 in Virginia and died August 3, 1893 in Staunton, Virginia. She married HAMPDEN R. DAWSON. He was born November 20, 1820 in Virginia and died August 25, 1902 in Staunton, Virginia.
Site Owner Note: This family was previously listed with the surname of DABNEY.
More About H.R. DAWSON: Given name listed as HAMPDEN, fouund with daughter, MARY E. DAWSON in the 1900 Augusta County, Virginia Census Record. No other family members are in the household.
Children of SELINA BAGBY and H.R. DAWSON are:
1. THOMAS A. DAWSON, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
2. RUFUS DAWSON, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
3. WILLIE FOUNTAINE DAWSON, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
4. KATE DAWSON, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
5. BETTY DAWSON, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
6. MARY E. DAWSON, b. April 18, 1853, Staunton, Virginia; d. June 22, 1917, Staunton, Virginia.
Note: Children may not be in proper order
SHAPLEY NEALE BAGBY 5, (THOMAS 4, THOMAS 3, JOHN 2, JAMES 1) was born September 5, 1835 in Virginia and died March 15, 1897 in Staunton, Virginia. He married HARRIET TERESA HUMPHREY. She was born April 9, 1841 in Virginia and died June 16, 1925 in Staunton, Virginia.
Note: In the 1870 Staunton City County, Virginia Census Record, this couple is listed with ELLA BAGY, MATTIE BAGBY and BENJAMIN T. "BENJ" BAGBY. Previous research showed BENJAMIN BAGBY as a son to SHAPLEY NEAL BAGBY'S brother, BENJAMIN THOMAS BAGBY. Census Records and newspaper articles announcing the death of BENJAMIN BAGBY list him as a son of SHAPLEY N. BAGBY.
1. ELLA BAGBY, b. About 1862, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia; d. Unknown.
2. MARTHA W. "MATTIE" BAGBY, b. About 1864, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia; d. Unknown; m. H.B. SPENCER, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
3. BENJAMIN THOMAS "BENJ" BAGBY, b. August 13, 1866,Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia; d. August 30, 1900, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia.
4. RITA SHAPLEY BAGBY, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
5. TERESA MAURY BAGBY, b. November 10, 1874, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia; d. April 6, 1954, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia; m. JOSEPH ARNEST STUBBS, b. April 8, 1869, Virginia; d. February 21, 1942, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia.
6. ANTOINETTE NEALE "NETTIE"e; BAGBY, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
5. MARY CATHERINE BAGBY, b. About 1873, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia; d. May 17, 1958, Staunton, Staunton City County, Virginia.
Children may not be in proper order.
MILDRED ANN BAGBY 5, (THOMAS 4, THOMAS 3, JOHN 2, JAMES 1) was born Unknown and died Unknown. She married T. ALFORD. He was born Unknown and died Unknown.
Site Owner Note: Maury family researchers list husand as T. ALFRED.
Child of MILDRED BAGBY and T. ALFORD is:
1. THOMAS ALFORD, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
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