Rootsweb ( A.K.A. )

if you are researching any of these surnames, i encourage you to join the rootsweb list for that surname. membership is free and you may unsubscribe from the list at any time.
Subscribing to a Rootsweb List is easy. Simply send an email to:
Place the word "Subscribe" (without the quotations marks) in the subject title. If you wish to join a List other than Bagby, simply replace Bagby with the proper List surname.
No. There is no fee & you may unsubscribe at any time.

Bagby, Blower, Chamberlayne, Heffken, Heitz, Menges, Mingus

Bagby, Blower, Chamberlayne, Heffken, Heitz, Menges, Mingus
What is the difference between a List & Board ?
Anything emailed to a List comes to the email box of your choice when you subscribe.
Anything posted on a Board may be posted by any person and they do not have to be subscribed to the List. However, List members receive the posts on the Board in their email because the Lists I admin are open to the Board posts. Not all Rootsweb Lists function in this manner.